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570 Personnel Files

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: December 10, 2021
570.1 Content of Personnel Files.

Personnel files are maintained in the Office of Human Resources, with faculty related information maintained by the Office of Academic Affairs, and are subject to the retention and disposal requirements of Policy 925 Record Retention. The personnel files include application form, resume, reference checks, emergency contact information, offer of employment, resignation letters, and documents relating to termination of employment. Additional records could include acknowledgement of organizational directives, job descriptions, training records, performance reviews, attendance records, goals and objectives, commendations and awards, disciplinary documents, and other performance related documents.  Additionally, a W-4 form, authorization for direct deposit, forms related to employee benefits, and other compensation documents are also considered personnel records maintained by the appropriate administrative office.

Complaints concerning sexual harassment, discrimination, or other violations of federal and state law or University policy, may result in a decision resulting in discipline and are not included in the personnel file but will be maintained in the Equal Employment Opportunity/Title IX Office. 

  • 570.1.1 Excluded Information. A personnel file does not include records and documents containing medical information including those requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act and leave under the Family Medical Leave Act.  These and similar records containing medical information will be maintained in the separate file in the Office of Human Resources with access limited only to those with a need to know that information. Form I-9s are forms required by the United States Citizen and Immigration Service to verify legal authorization of employees to work in the United States. These verification documents, which are required for all employees, are kept in a separate file in the Office of Human Resources. If and when the University receives an unsolicited paper, the author of which requests confidentiality, the paper will be returned to the sender with the notation that the University does not retain unsolicited confidential statements about its faculty or staff members. Anonymously composed letters will be destroyed by the administrator who receives them. Unsolicited oral reports received by an administrator about a faculty or staff member will not be recorded and retained.
  • 570.1.2 Response. Employees have the right to respond in writing to any material in the personnel file and to have the response made a part of the file.
570.2 Public Disclosure of Personnel Records.

As a public university, Indiana law requires limited disclosure of employee information. The information required to be disclosed includes: 

  • Name, compensation, job title, business address, business telephone number, job description, education and training background, previous work experience, or dates of first and last employment;
  • Information relating to the status of any formal charges against the employee; and
  • Factual basis for disciplinary action in which final action has been taken and resulted in the employee being suspended, demoted, or discharged. 
    • 570.2.1 Law Enforcement Records. Under Indiana Law, records concerning a law enforcement officer employed by a university police department are defined as public records subject to disclosure upon proper request to Indiana State University. Disclosure of name, compensation, job title, business address and phone number, job description, education training and background, previous work experience, or dates of first and last employment of the law enforcement officer, information related to status of any formal charges against the law enforcement officer, and a factual basis for any disciplinary action in which final action has been taken and has resulted in the officer being suspended, demoted, or discharged.  Additionally, before hiring a person as a law enforcement officer, a hiring department or agency is required to contact every law enforcement department or agency that employed or currently employs the applicant and request a complete and unredacted copy of all findings and orders related to disciplinary or internal investigations involving the officer, and a copy of the applicant’s entire employment file (excepting medical records or information).  I.C. 36-8-2-2, Indiana State University’s compliance with these requests is required by Indiana law. 
570.3 Departmental Files.

The official University personnel file located in the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office or the Office of Human Resources should be a cumulative file of all materials upon which decisions are based at those levels. However, it is recognized that decisions are made in the offices of department chairpersons, deans, and appropriate administrators and that unofficial personnel files will be kept in those places to support such decisions; therefore, cumulative personnel files in those offices shall also be open to employees on the same basis (though not necessarily by identical procedures) as are the official personnel files in the offices of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Office of Human Resources.  The appropriate administrator at each level will be charged with supervising correct application of the personnel files policy.

570.4 Review.

A faculty member may review the materials in their personnel file by requesting a convenient time for that review in the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office. 

A member of the staff may review the materials in their personnel file by requesting a convenient time for that review in the Office of Human Resources. 

570.5 Removal of Content.

Other than law enforcement officers employed by Indiana State University, any person wishing to request that any particular item in their official personnel file be removed and destroyed may request such action in writing to the University President. The University President will answer all such requests in writing. If the request is approved by the University President, the request and the written approval will be included in the personnel file.

570.6 Privacy of Records.

Access to personnel files shall be on a demonstrable need-to-know basis for persons formally charged with judging the performance of faculty members in such matters as annual evaluations, promotions, and/or tenure. 

Unless subject to disclosure under Indiana Access to Public Records Act or as to other documents required by law the responsible administrator shall limit access to personnel files to appropriate administrators and to those persons serving on official personnel committees within the University as attested to by memoranda prepared by an official representative of each such committee.

The responsible administrator will maintain an official record of all persons who view the contents of faculty and staff personnel files. 

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